
Brad Baumert interviews several legendary New England trials riders.

1 thought on “Podcasts”

  1. Hello I had the pleasure of riding with both Dave and Donny, a couple stories about both of these great riders, Dave and I rode out of the same bike shop in Smithfield R.I. called A&D auto and motorcycle sales the owner was Al [Chubby] Decabellis who was the national champion back in 1969 I believe, Dave drove us to many events going 80-90 miles an hour with his Camaro towing three bikes on the trailer, when Dave got sponsored by Cotton he got one of the first new 200 cc bikes up from the 175cc bikes we both rode he didn’t like the front end as it was two lite so we switched front ends I went on to zero an event won and advanced from novice to ride amateur and the expert sections ,Donny and I rode together as novices I remember after he advanced to amateur then became an expert there was a event at stepping stone Exeter R.I. he already had enough points to be # 1 , one of his friends came to the event and his bike wouldn’t start so Donny let him use his bike and the guy’s son was there with his 75cc small little trials bike Donny rode that little bike and still won the event! Donny and Dave were great guy’s and did so much for the sport.


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