NETA is making some changes for 2024! One is the use of plastic stakes to hold gate markers. The stakes are made in the USA by a small family owned company. NETA tried a few and found they were fairly brittle so the company that makes them adjusted their plastic formula, to make them more flexible and very durable, just for NETA! Gate markers no longer have to be stapled to trees and other surfaces, allowing us to use them over and over! Another bonus is you will not displace a Marker that is attached to a dead log. Of course gate markers can still be stapled to trees where the ground won’t allow a stake to be inserted and they’re easy to move during section layout.

Best of all these stakes will help NETA reduce waste and cost! It’s estimated that over the course of three years, if reused, these stakes will save NETA nearly $1,200! Plus supporting a USA made product is always a good thing! NETA will be distributing the stakes with gate markers to clubs as needed. If you have any questions please reach out to one of the NETA board members.

Where can other clubs purchase these? Are these the same stakes used at the 2023 Florida NATC national?
Thank you,
Mike Diesburg
Wyoming Motorcycle Trials Association (WMTA)
They are Milo approved. 😁 Good enough for me.