Recent Photos

Albums curated from the over 10,000 event photos located on Trebor Heminway’s SmugMug Library (password: feetup). The photos may not be copied or reused without permission of either the photographer or NETA.

Expert Riders

A gallery of the rider’s in NETA’s expert classes.

Faces of NETA

Posed and candid photos from the pits and around the loop.


A variety of photos from events of the past several years.

Old Photos

Photos from the past. We’re just getting started, check back often.


Trials photos taken from 1960-1969.


Trials photos taken in the 1970’s.


Trials photos taken from 1980-1989.


Trials photos taken from 1990-1999.


Trials photos taken from 2000-2009.


Trials photos taken from 2010-2019.

Legendary New England Riders

Some of the legendary trials riders that started their careers and rode in New England.

Don Sweet

No single person dominated the early years…

Gary Bourque

Perennial New England Trials Champion Gary Bourque…

Geoff Aaron

Originally from Redding CT, Geoff Aaron is…

1987 Jack Stites Trials Training

This video was produced by Dale Malaseck (the original US Gas Gas importer) on behalf the Tryals Shop. Jack Stites ran the Tryals Shop back when it was located in Florida. From Wayland Mass, Jack was a top NETA rider in the 1970s. Made in 1987 and transferred from VHS tape. Press “Watch on YouTube” for chapter selections.

NETA History Project

John Hoffman, Len Thompson & Don Sweet. The photos were taken 45 years apart, in the same spot & by the same photographer (Len’s father).

The NETA History Project was started in January 2023 by Steve Christensen & David Scarbro. The goal is to organize and preserve the history of NETA and regional trials through documents, pictures and video. Alan Gasbarro, Leo O’Shea, George Truesdale & Dan Williams helped by contributing material and providing recollections.

This history is a “work in progress”. Over time, we hope to add more material about (and from) many veteran riders in New England. If you have something to contribute, please contact

The documents and pictures are stored on Google Drive. Videos are stored on YouTube. All of this information organized and presented through the NETA website.



All New England Trials Association rulebooks from 2003 to now. There were no rulebooks for 2007 & 2008 in the archives. They may have been misplaced or another possibility is the 2006 rulebooks was used for three years because no rule changes were made for those years. During the COVID pandemic, the 2020 season was cancelled. The 2020 rulebook was used for the 2021 season.