SVTR Fun Event (7/14/2024)

Southern Vermont Trial Riders are hosting a “Gated” fun trial on July 14th.

  • Address: 100 Coach Road, Guilford VT
  • Parking: In field on right.
  • Overnight camping allowed from 12:00 PM on Saturday. No open fires. No pets.
  • $25 entry fee for riders. No spectator fee.
  • All competitors and spectators must sign AMA liability release forms.
  • Event starts at 11:00 AM. Riders meeting at 10:45 AM. Scoring ends at 3:00 PM.
  • Self-scoring. Competitors are encouraged to ride in groups and score each other.
  • Classes: Modern and Vintage (no Youth classes). Awards will be given for the first five places in each class.
  • 10 sections, 5 gates each. Four loops, best of three loops count.
  • There is the possibility to score at least one point per section for riders with minimal trials experience. All sections can be easily bypassed.
  • Local lodging: There are hotels and restaurants located at exit 3 off I91. 
  • Campgrounds – Travelers Woods, Bernardston MA


1 point per gate
1 point deducted per dab
5 points deducted as per NETA scoring rules
Lowest score for any individual section is zero
No riding backwards on loop

Preregistration – Check-in, Pay and Go

Complete the form below to preregister for this event. By preregistering, you’ll save time and make the organizer’s life easier. Plus, you won’t have to fill out the paper form at the event.

Click to see who else has preregistered.


Age on January 1st of this year.
Vintage is for trials bikes that are air-cooled and have twin shocks and drum brakes.
Select “Yes” if you don’t plan to keep score or want an award.


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