This page is intended solely for comments or questions from the general public. To prevent spam, all comments are reviewed and approved before appearing. Enter your comment using the form at the bottom of the page.

52 thoughts on “Comments”

  1. Hi David,
    Pretty sure that I have renewed my ’25 membership, haven’t received my AMA card sticker. Would you please check if my application was accepted?
    Dave Nichols

    • Hi Dave,

      I plan to start sending out the renewal stickers in the next week or so. I checked and you did renew your membership for 2025.

  2. I tried to sign up for membership and the app error-ed out on payment option. I tried both paypal (first) and then CC. Help

    • I’m sorry for the difficulty. So far there are 44 renewals, but 4 other people have run into the same problem. It’s been impossible to nail down and seems to be a browser, computer or internet connection issue. Different workarounds have worked for different people. Rebooting the computer worked in one case. Using the Microsoft Edge browser instead of Chrome worked in another. Switching from an iPhone to an android worked in anther. Trying again after making sure you have a strong WiFi signal worked in the other.

  3. I live in Western BC and would like to convince my partner to move to New England (where I’m from). He is an advanced trials rider. Where are the best riding areas in NH, VT, Maine or Mass (and the most riders). This might be too big a question, but I would like to get some idea. Perhaps there is a better forum for this?

  4. Hello, I’m looking to pick up a used 250cc 2stroke trials bike. 290cc considered also. I’m in central CT and willing to travel for the right bike. I prefer Sherco but this is for my son to get into trials so any brand will work. My email is . Thank you.

    • Sorry for the slow response. I sent an email last week to try and get an answer for you, but didn’t get a reply. I’ll try another person today.

    • Hi Mike,

      Sorry for the delay.

      Here are the phone numbers for the Trials Masters. Feel free to reach out to any of us and we will add you to the list.

      Tyler Krupa (518) 852-1703
      Jeremy Krupa (518) 852-6062
      Chris Spoonogle (518) 937-0065


  5. I have a vintage 1975 Montessa Cota in mint condition with only a few miles on it that I am looking to sell located in Manchester, NH. I was old you had a section on your website to post bikes for sale however I am not able to locate it. Can you please forward me a link to it. I can be reached at

    • Sorry, we don’t have a for sale section on our website. Jack’s Cycles will list your bike for free. You can also list it on Facebook marketplace or the “Trials Bikes for Sale USA” group.

  6. Hello trials riders, I don’t know if this is the place, but here goes…. I aged out of riding and have a new Jitsie Trials Helmet HT1 Solid Matt grey/grey Large still in box, never used that I would like to sell. Thinking $70. I could meet at trialsevent near Hoosier Falls, NY on Sunday. If anyone is interested my phone# 802 362 1644 in E. Dorset, Vt.

    • Your scores for all 4 loops should be shown. I’ll find out and update in the season results tabulator spreadsheet. It’s almost done and will be available in the next couple of days.

  7. Can anyone please provide the address for the trials event that is coming up this Sunday the 24th in Middletown Ct? Much appreciated

  8. I think this Comments section should be replaced and folks should instead be directed to the forums with instructions on how to register and post questions there. I am really surprised the NETA has very little online presence and discussion, unlike say the Granite State group on Facebook. We should encourage our members to post there and our NETA leadership should post things there, unlike on the Facebook group (thinking of the Harry Grant message from our President today).

    • When I say “there” I mean the forums section or someplace where we can have online discussions. The NETA Facebook group does not permit discussions.

    • I agree that the Forums should be the primary place for questions and comments. However, the Comments section still has a purpose because it allows the general public to post comments or questions. I have revised the text on the comments page to make this clearer.

    • The board is hoping it’ll be possible to hold events. What happens depends on the Covid situation and what sort of restrictions are in place for public gatherings in the locations where the events are held and our riders live.

      There will likely not be an in-person annual meeting. Online is a possibility, but whether it be forum messages, zoom, or whatever has not been determined. If you have suggestions, please put your ideas in a forum post so they can more easily be discussed.

  9. Meriden MC is hosting a gated trials event on Oct. 4th

    8 sections with 3 levels of difficulty
    No classes, no official scoring
    Must be AMA member
    Start time 9:00 am to 11:00 course closes at 3:00 pm
    No limit on the number of loops you can ride
    Food available
    Entry $25.00
    Please respond to one of the methods below if you plan to attend
    Email: quickening3@juno,com
    Text: 860 803-5796
    Phone: 860 803-5796

  10. Hi Dave, Hope you are doing well. I posted my trials bike on the “for sale” forum and couldn’t figure out how to add pictures. Can you help?

    • Hi Mike,

      If you go to the forum post for your bike and click “edit” (located in the lower right-hand corner). Click “Attach File” to add pictures to your post.

  11. Hey, Dave here from NY. Planning to join NETA and I am looking for a pair of trials boots for my daughter. She is a womens 7 1/2 and probably a size 6 or 61/2 in mens. Anybody have any to sell?

    • Hi,
      I don’t know of any boots for sale, but I do have several ideas that might help you find boots. Try posting an inquiry in our forums (I’ll approve your registration), in the trials forum or contact Stu Preston at Jack’s Cycles ( Good luck and stay safe.


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