NETA History Project

John Hoffman, Len Thompson & Don Sweet. The photos were taken 45 years apart, in the same spot & by the same photographer (Len’s father).

The NETA History Project was started in January 2023 by Steve Christensen & David Scarbro. The goal is to organize and preserve the history of NETA and regional trials through documents, pictures and video. Alan Gasbarro, Leo O’Shea, George Truesdale & Dan Williams helped by contributing material and providing recollections.

This history is a “work in progress”. Over time, we hope to add more material about (and from) many veteran riders in New England. If you have something to contribute, please contact

The documents and pictures are stored on Google Drive. Videos are stored on YouTube. All of this information organized and presented through the NETA website.


NETA Videos

A selection of YouTube videos from recent NETA events and riders.

Manny Papworth. Former Senior A champ and sales manager at Razee Motorcycle Center.
Gordon is riding his Penton Mudlark
Nice ride by our 2022 Sportsman B champion Kayla Lovejoy at the 2022 CATRA event in New York.

Caroline Allen 2013
Ian Durno 2014
Steve DeCubellis 2013  
TV10 on 2012 RI National


All New England Trials Association rulebooks from 2003 to now. There were no rulebooks for 2007 & 2008 in the archives. They may have been misplaced or another possibility is the 2006 rulebooks was used for three years because no rule changes were made for those years. During the COVID pandemic, the 2020 season was cancelled. The 2020 rulebook was used for the 2021 season.