2024 Post-Season Survey

Please complete this survey to let us know what you thought about this season and help us do a better next season. If you think you may attend the banquet please let us know which of the 3 buffet opitons you’d prefer. The survey will close on December 31st, 2024.

Here are the “live” results from the survey.

Contact Info

Your contact info will not be published. It will be used if there are questions about the information provided.


The NETA has members distributed thoughout New England. This coupled with a single annual meeting makes communication with the membership a challenge. Which information sources do you rely on?
Check all that apply.
Check your primary NETA information source.
How well did the NETA board officers communicate with members this year? (1=poor, 3=ok, 5=great).
What else can the NETA board do to improve communication with the members?

Policy Changes

At the business meeting before the 2024 NETA season, several policy changes were discussed and approved by the members present. What is your opinion of each of these after experiencing them for a season?
What do you think of the award plates vs plastic trophies? (1=poor, 3=ok, 5=great). Youth classes are still typically awarded trophies.
(1=poor, 3=ok, 5=great)
Is the beginner class a good idea? (1=poor, 3=ok, 5=great)
Overall, what did you think of the NETA season this year? (1=poor, 3=ok, 5=great).
Any comments about these changes? As the governing body for the New England Trials Championship Series, what else could we do to help make the trials events better?

Banquet Attendance

Are you planning to attend the annual awards banquet this year?

The admissions will go on sale in December. Discounted hotel reservations can be made until December 18th. See the general information page about the banquet for the reservation link.

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