Hall of Famer Dave Allen was born in Providence, Rhode Island and graduated from Smithfield High School. While at Smithfield High, Dave was too busy riding and working on his dirt bikes to participate in organized activities. Dave went on to graduate from Wentworth Institute of Technology.
When Dave was 9 years old a friend with a mini bike let him ride it and Dave was hooked. His parents thought dirt bikes were dangerous and did not want him riding, something many motorcyclists have heard at one time or another. However, that did not dissuade Dave from his goal. After cutting numerous lawns, Dave was able to purchase his first bike, a used Honda Mini-Trail 50.
In his late teens, Dave competed in a few trials events, however, after witnessing the 1996 World Round in Exeter, Rhode Island, Dave was hooked on trials. He started competing in local and national trials events, including New England, Florida Fun in the Sun, and the Support Class in Tennessee, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New York and Wyoming National events.

Perhaps Dave’s proudest moments were spent teaching his children Dan and Caroline to ride and compete in trials events. Dave has served as a minder for his children at local and National events, including youth Nationals at the Trials Training Center. Dave was also Caroline’s minder for the Trials Des Nations when she represented the United States and at a World Round.
Dave has also served as the Trials Master for dozens of local events over the years. In 2015 he was the organizer for the Rhode Island round of the 2015 FIM Moto Trials World Championship. This was a hugely successful event and Dave’s efforts contributed to the Rhode Island Trials Club (RITC) being awarded the AMA 2015 Off-road Event of the Year. Dave has also served as a World Trials Commission member since 2018. Dave has also served as Vice President of RITC, Chairman of the New England Trials Association Rules Committee and has represented RITC at North American Trials Council meetings.
Dave retired in 2018 after 30 years as a Mechanical Engineer working in the Electric Power industry where he acted as an Engineering Crew Supervisor for various disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy.
For the Allen’s, trials is a family affair with Dave riding the Sr. Intermediate Class, his wife Lisa manning the scorer’s table and checking in competitors, Dan competing in the Champ Class and Caroline up until recently, competing in the Expert Class. For his contributions to trials, Dave was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2016.